I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 14 with Changing Lines 4 to Hexagram 26

Yin Yang symbol, representing balance

Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram 14.4 -> 26

14. Possession in Great Measure (大有 Dà Yǒu)


☲ Lí (Fire)
☰ Qián (Heaven)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 14

Hexagram 大有 (Dà Yǒu) represents possession in great measure. This hexagram signifies abundance, wealth, and power. It emphasizes the responsible use of one's resources and abilities to benefit both oneself and others.

Hexagram 14 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Dà yǒu, yuán hēng.)
English Translation:
“Possession in great measure. Supreme success.”

This hexagram symbolizes the possession of great wealth or resources. It signifies success on a grand scale, where everything is aligned for prosperity and abundance. However, it also advises that this wealth should be used wisely and responsibly.

Hexagram 14 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Huǒ zài tiān shàng, dà yǒu. Jūn zǐ yǐ è è yáng shàn, shùn tiān xiū mìng.)
English Translation:
“Fire in heaven above: The image of Possession in Great Measure. The superior person curbs evil and promotes good, thus obeying the will of heaven.”

The image of fire in heaven represents the light and power that comes from abundance. The superior person uses this power wisely by restraining harmful actions and promoting good deeds. This alignment with the will of heaven brings lasting success.

Line 4 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Fěi qí péng, wú jiù.)
English Translation:
“He is not boastful. No blame.”

This line advises against boasting or flaunting one's wealth or power. By remaining humble and not seeking to impress others, one avoids blame. Modesty ensures that the person retains their success without provoking envy or conflict.

Changing to:

26. The Taming Power of the Great (大畜 Dà Chù)


☶ Gèn (Mountain)
☰ Qián (Heaven)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 26

Hexagram 大畜 (Dà Chù) represents the power of restraint and control over great forces. This hexagram speaks of holding back powerful forces for the right time. Success comes from patience, wisdom, and self-control.

Hexagram 26 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Dà chù, lì zhēn. Bù jiā shí, jí. Lì shè dà chuān.)
English Translation:
“The Taming Power of the Great. Perseverance furthers. It is favorable not to eat at home. It is favorable to cross the great water.”

This hexagram advises perseverance and restraint. It is not a time for indulgence, but rather for preparation and control. Success comes from being patient and waiting for the right moment to act.

Hexagram 26 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Tiān zài shān zhōng, dà chù. Jūn zǐ yǐ duō shí qián yán wǎng xíng, yǐ chù qí dé.)
English Translation:
“Heaven within the mountain: The image of The Taming Power of the Great. The superior person studies the words and deeds of the past to strengthen their character.”

The image of heaven within the mountain suggests that great power is being restrained and controlled. The superior person uses this time to reflect on past wisdom and experience, cultivating their inner strength.

Peace and wisdom on your journey!

With gratitude,
The I Ching Team