I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 18 with Changing Lines 5, 6 to Hexagram 48

Yin Yang symbol, representing balance

Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram 18.5.6 -> 48

18. Work on What Has Been Spoiled (蠱 Gǔ)


☶ Gèn (Mountain)
☴ Xùn (Wind)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 18

Hexagram 蠱 (Gǔ) symbolizes decay or corruption. This hexagram indicates a time when things have gone wrong, and one must work to repair and restore order. It speaks of correcting past mistakes and addressing harmful influences.

Hexagram 18 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Gǔ, yuán hēng, lì shè dà chuān. Xiān jiǎ sān rì, hòu jiǎ sān rì.)
English Translation:
“Work on what has been spoiled. Supreme success. It is favorable to cross the great water. Before the new beginning, three days; after the new beginning, three days.”

This hexagram suggests that addressing past mistakes leads to supreme success. It advises starting fresh, but careful preparation and reflection are necessary before moving forward. This process takes time but brings great reward.

Hexagram 18 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Fēng xíng shān shàng, gǔ. Jūn zǐ yǐ zhèn mín yù dé.)
English Translation:
“The wind blows across the mountain: The image of Decay. The superior person stirs the people and nourishes virtue.”

The wind on the mountain represents the force of decay and the need for restoration. The superior person takes action to correct the situation, helping to revive the people and nourish their virtues. This is a time for renewal.

Line 5 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Gàn fù zhī gǔ, yòng yù.)
English Translation:
“Correcting the decay caused by the father. This brings praise.”

This line describes successfully addressing past mistakes and restoring order. The person is praised for their efforts, and success follows.

Line 6 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Bù shì wáng hóu, gāo shàng qí shì.)
English Translation:
“He does not serve kings and princes, but elevates his own calling.”

This line speaks of transcending worldly concerns and focusing on higher values. By refusing to serve power for personal gain, the person achieves a higher purpose and success in their own right.

Changing to:

48. The Well (井 Jǐng)


☵ Kǎn (Water)
☴ Xùn (Wind)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 48

Hexagram 井 (Jǐng) represents a well, which provides life-sustaining water to all. This hexagram speaks of the importance of tapping into shared resources and maintaining those resources to benefit everyone. Success comes from nurturing and distributing the wellspring of knowledge, energy, or resources.

Hexagram 48 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Jǐng, gǎi yì bù gǎi jǐng, wú sàng wú dé. Wǎng lái jǐng jǐng, qì zhì yì wèi jué jǐng, léi qí píng, xiōng.)
English Translation:
“The Well. The town may be changed, but the well cannot be changed. It neither decreases nor increases. People come and go, drawing from the well. If the water reaches but the rope does not pull it up, or if the jug is broken, misfortune.”

This hexagram advises maintaining a stable source of resources or support. The well represents a constant and essential resource that should be cared for and utilized properly. Success comes from ensuring the well's continued function. Misfortune arises when the well is neglected or improperly used.

Hexagram 48 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Mù shàng yǒu shuǐ, jǐng. Jūn zǐ yǐ láo mín quàn xiāng.)
English Translation:
“Water over wood: The image of The Well. The superior person encourages the people to work and inspire each other.”

The image of water over wood symbolizes the well’s ability to sustain life. The superior person draws on the well of human resources, inspiring and organizing others to contribute to the collective effort, ensuring the community thrives.

Peace and wisdom on your journey!

With gratitude,
The I Ching Team