I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 30 with Changing Lines 1, 3, 4 to Hexagram 23

Yin Yang symbol, representing balance

Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram -> 23

30. The Clinging, Fire (離 Lí)


☲ Lí (Fire)
☲ Lí (Fire)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 30

Hexagram 離 (Lí) symbolizes fire, which clings to the wood that fuels it. This hexagram speaks of dependence and clarity, as fire illuminates and requires a source of energy. Success comes from clear vision and the ability to adapt and depend on the right things.

Hexagram 30 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Lì zhēn, hēng. Xù pìn niú, jí.)
English Translation:
“Perseverance furthers. Success. Cultivating a cow brings good fortune.”

This hexagram advises clarity and perseverance. Success comes from cultivating something stable and dependable, like a cow. By tending to one's responsibilities and maintaining clear vision, good fortune is assured.

Hexagram 30 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Míng liǎng zuò, lí. Dà rén yǐ jì míng zhào sì fāng.)
English Translation:
“Fire above and fire below: The image of The Clinging, Fire. The superior person continues the light of clarity to illuminate the four corners of the world.”

The image of fire reflects the need for clarity and illumination. The superior person spreads understanding and insight, ensuring that light and truth reach all corners of the world. It is a time to bring clarity to situations.

Line 1 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Lǚ cuò rán, jìng zhī wú jiù.)
English Translation:
“Treading with care. If you are reverent, there is no blame.”

This line advises proceeding with caution. By acting with care and reverence, one avoids mistakes and blame. It is a time to be mindful and respectful in all actions.

Line 3 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Rì zè zhī lí, bù gǔ fǒu ér gē, zé dà dié zhī jiē, xiōng.)
English Translation:
“When the sun sets, do not beat the drum and sing. Then there is lament from old age. Misfortune.”

This line speaks of a time when clarity fades, like the setting sun. It advises against celebrating prematurely or acting carelessly. If one does not heed the situation, regret and misfortune follow, especially as time passes.

Line 4 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Tū rú qí lái rú, fén rú, sǐ rú, qì rú.)
English Translation:
“Suddenly it comes, blazes up, dies down, and is thrown away.”

This line describes something that flares up quickly but dies just as fast. It warns against fleeting passions or impulsive actions that cannot be sustained. By acting without stability, one risks losing everything.

Changing to:

23. Splitting Apart (剝 Bō)


☶ Gèn (Mountain)
☷ Kūn (Earth)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 23

Hexagram 剝 (Bō) symbolizes splitting apart or decay. This hexagram represents a time when things are falling apart or being stripped away. It advises patience and waiting for better times rather than trying to resist the natural cycle of decline.

Hexagram 23 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Bō, bù lì yǒu yōu wǎng.)
English Translation:
“Splitting apart. It is not favorable to undertake anything.”

This hexagram warns against taking action during a time of decline or decay. It advises patience and acceptance of the situation. Resistance will not bring success, and it is better to wait for conditions to improve.

Hexagram 23 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Shān fù yú dì, bō. Shàng yǐ hòu xià, ān zhái.)
English Translation:
“The mountain rests on the earth: The image of Splitting Apart. The superior person maintains a firm foundation below and keeps peace in their dwelling.”

The image of a mountain resting on the earth suggests stability, but also decay at the edges. The superior person focuses on maintaining stability and peace within their environment, even as the outer world may be falling apart.

Peace and wisdom on your journey!

With gratitude,
The I Ching Team