I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 30 with Changing Lines 4, 6 to Hexagram 36

Yin Yang symbol, representing balance

Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram 30.4.6 -> 36

30. The Clinging, Fire (離 Lí)


☲ Lí (Fire)
☲ Lí (Fire)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 30

Hexagram 離 (Lí) symbolizes fire, which clings to the wood that fuels it. This hexagram speaks of dependence and clarity, as fire illuminates and requires a source of energy. Success comes from clear vision and the ability to adapt and depend on the right things.

Hexagram 30 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Lì zhēn, hēng. Xù pìn niú, jí.)
English Translation:
“Perseverance furthers. Success. Cultivating a cow brings good fortune.”

This hexagram advises clarity and perseverance. Success comes from cultivating something stable and dependable, like a cow. By tending to one's responsibilities and maintaining clear vision, good fortune is assured.

Hexagram 30 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Míng liǎng zuò, lí. Dà rén yǐ jì míng zhào sì fāng.)
English Translation:
“Fire above and fire below: The image of The Clinging, Fire. The superior person continues the light of clarity to illuminate the four corners of the world.”

The image of fire reflects the need for clarity and illumination. The superior person spreads understanding and insight, ensuring that light and truth reach all corners of the world. It is a time to bring clarity to situations.

Line 4 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Tū rú qí lái rú, fén rú, sǐ rú, qì rú.)
English Translation:
“Suddenly it comes, blazes up, dies down, and is thrown away.”

This line describes something that flares up quickly but dies just as fast. It warns against fleeting passions or impulsive actions that cannot be sustained. By acting without stability, one risks losing everything.

Line 6 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Wáng yòng chū zhēng, yǒu jiā zhé shǒu, huò fěi qí chǒu, wú jiù.)
English Translation:
“The king uses clarity to go on a campaign. He captures the leader and brings good fortune. No blame.”

This line describes a leader who uses clarity and insight to overcome opposition. By removing obstacles and acting decisively, success is assured and there is no blame. It advises strong, clear leadership.

Changing to:

36. Darkening of the Light (明夷 Míng Yí)


☷ Kūn (Earth)
☲ Lí (Fire)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 36

Hexagram 明夷 (Míng Yí) represents a time when clarity and light are obscured. This hexagram speaks of difficulties or oppression, where one's light is dimmed or hidden. Success comes from remaining patient and inwardly strong while waiting for the right time to act.

Hexagram 36 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Míng yí, lì jiān zhēn.)
English Translation:
“Darkening of the Light. It is favorable to persevere in hardship.”

This hexagram advises perseverance during times of difficulty, when clarity and light are obscured. Success comes from remaining inwardly strong and enduring through hardship without losing hope.

Hexagram 36 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Míng rù dì zhōng, míng yí. Jūn zǐ yǐ lì zhòng yòng huì ér míng.)
English Translation:
“The light has sunk into the earth: The image of Darkening of the Light. The superior person manages the people by obscuring their brilliance but remaining internally bright.”

The image of light sinking into the earth symbolizes a time of concealment or oppression. The superior person hides their brilliance to protect themselves but continues to maintain clarity and wisdom within.

Peace and wisdom on your journey!

With gratitude,
The I Ching Team