I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 38 with Changing Lines 2, 4 to Hexagram 27
Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram 38.2.4 -> 27
38. Opposition (睽 Kuí)
- Above
- ☲ Lí (Fire)
- Below
- ☱ Dùi (Lake)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 38
Hexagram 睽 (Kuí) represents opposition or divergence. This hexagram speaks of differences between people or situations, where opposing forces or viewpoints lead to tension. Success comes from recognizing and managing these differences.
Hexagram 38 Judgment
(Kuí, xiǎo shì jí.)
“Opposition. Small matters bring good fortune.”
This hexagram advises focusing on small matters and resolving them carefully during times of opposition. Success comes from managing differences and not letting minor conflicts escalate into major problems.
Hexagram 38 Image
(Shàng huǒ xià zé, kuí. Jūn zǐ yǐ tóng ér yì.)
“Fire above, the lake below: The image of Opposition. The superior person seeks unity in diversity.”
The image of fire above and the lake below represents two opposing forces. The superior person seeks to find harmony within these differences, recognizing that unity can be found even in diversity.
Line 2 Changing
(Yù zhǔ yú xiàng, wú jiù.)
“Meeting the leader in an alley. No blame.”
This line describes an unexpected encounter with someone of authority or importance. It advises not to worry, as this meeting brings no harm. The situation is neutral and offers no danger.
Line 4 Changing
(Kuí gū, yù yuán fū, jiāo fú, lì, wú jiù.)
“Opposition leads to isolation. Meeting a great person, trust develops. Danger, but no blame.”
This line describes the isolation that comes from opposition, but a meeting with a wise or great person brings trust and understanding. Although there is some danger, it can be navigated without blame.
Changing to:
27. The Corners of the Mouth (Providing Nourishment) (頤 Yí)
- Above
- ☶ Gèn (Mountain)
- Below
- ☳ Zhèn (Thunder)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 27
Hexagram 頤 (Yí) symbolizes nourishment and the act of taking in what is necessary to sustain life. This hexagram speaks of both physical and spiritual nourishment. Success comes from being mindful of what one consumes and from nurturing others.
Hexagram 27 Judgment
(Yí, zhēn jí. Guān yí, zì qiú kǒu shí.)
“Nourishment. Perseverance brings good fortune. Observe how you provide nourishment and seek your own source of sustenance.”
This hexagram advises mindfulness about how one nourishes both body and spirit. It suggests that success comes from being careful about what one consumes—whether food, thoughts, or influences—and also from nurturing others with integrity.
Hexagram 27 Image
(Shān xià yǒu léi, yí. Jūn zǐ yǐ shèn yán yǔ, jié yǐn shí.)
“Thunder beneath the mountain: The image of Nourishment. The superior person is careful in their words and moderate in eating and drinking.”
The image of thunder under the mountain represents the need for careful and moderate action. The superior person nourishes themselves by being mindful of what they say and by practicing moderation in all things.
Peace and wisdom on your journey!
With gratitude,
The I Ching Team