I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 43 with Changing Lines 5 to Hexagram 34

Yin Yang symbol, representing balance

Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram 43.5 -> 34

43. Breakthrough (夬 Guài)


☱ Dùi (Lake)
☰ Qián (Heaven)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 43

Hexagram 夬 (Guài) represents a decisive breakthrough or resolution. This hexagram speaks of a time when a critical decision must be made to overcome a situation. Success comes from firm, decisive action and clear communication.

Hexagram 43 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Guài, yáng yú wáng tíng, fú hào yǒu lì, gào zì yì, bù lì jí róng, lì yǒu yōu wǎng.)
English Translation:
“Breakthrough. The decision is announced in the court of the king. There is danger, but the proclamation is trusted. Do not approach the army. It is favorable to have somewhere to go.”

This hexagram advises taking decisive action to resolve a difficult situation. Success comes from making a clear, public decision (symbolized by the court of the king). However, there is danger, so one must proceed with caution and not rush into conflict.

Hexagram 43 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Zé shàng yú tiān, guài. Jūn zǐ yǐ shī lù jí xià, jū dé zé jì.)
English Translation:
“The lake rises to heaven: The image of Breakthrough. The superior person shares their fortune with those below and restrains themselves with virtue.”

The image of a lake rising represents the need to control and direct energy to prevent excess. The superior person, like the lake, shares their good fortune with others but remains humble and restrained, ensuring balance and harmony.

Line 5 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Xiàn lù guài guài, zhōng xíng wú jiù.)
English Translation:
“Resolute like the stem of the amaranth plant. Walking the middle path brings no blame.”

This line advises making a clear and firm decision, like the strong stem of a plant. By walking a balanced middle path, one avoids blame and ensures success. It speaks of finding strength in moderation.

Changing to:

34. The Power of the Great (大壯 Dà Zhuàng)


☳ Zhèn (Thunder)
☰ Qián (Heaven)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 34

Hexagram 大壯 (Dà Zhuàng) represents great power and strength. This hexagram speaks of a time when great energy and force are available, but it advises using this power with care and wisdom. True strength comes from knowing when and how to apply it.

Hexagram 34 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Dà zhuàng, lì zhēn.)
English Translation:
“The Power of the Great. Perseverance furthers.”

This hexagram advises using great power wisely. Success comes from perseverance and the careful, deliberate application of strength. It is important to avoid rash or impulsive actions.

Hexagram 34 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Léi zài tiān shàng, dà zhuàng. Jūn zǐ yǐ fēi lǐ wù lǚ.)
English Translation:
“Thunder in heaven above: The image of The Power of the Great. The superior person avoids stepping beyond what is proper.”

The image of thunder in heaven represents great power that must be controlled. The superior person, like thunder, understands the need for restraint and does not overstep the bounds of what is proper.

Peace and wisdom on your journey!

With gratitude,
The I Ching Team