I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 54 with Changing Lines 4, 5 to Hexagram 60
Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram 54.4.5 -> 60
54. The Marrying Maiden (歸妹 Guī Mèi)
- Above
- ☳ Zhèn (Thunder)
- Below
- ☱ Dùi (Lake)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 54
Hexagram 歸妹 (Guī Mèi) represents the marrying maiden, symbolizing the secondary role and the idea of following established protocols. This hexagram speaks of relationships where one may not have full autonomy, requiring adaptation. Success comes from understanding one's position and accepting supportive roles.
Hexagram 54 Judgment
(Guī Mèi, zhēng xiōng, wú yōu lì.)
“The Marrying Maiden. Going forward brings misfortune. Nothing is favorable.”
This hexagram advises caution in advancing into a situation where one lacks full authority or power, as misfortune may follow. It speaks of accepting limitations and adapting to circumstances without overreaching.
Hexagram 54 Image
(Zé shàng yǒu léi, guī mèi. Jūn zǐ yǐ yǒng zhōng zhī bì.)
“Thunder over the lake: The image of The Marrying Maiden. The superior person is careful about endings and recognizes the imperfection of things.”
The image of thunder over the lake symbolizes a situation of imbalance, where one must adapt to changing conditions. The superior person understands that all things are temporary and imperfect, leading to wisdom and balance.
Line 4 Changing
(Guī mèi qiān qī, chí guī yǒu shí.)
“The marrying maiden is late. She returns in due time.”
This line speaks of delays in progress, but eventual success. Although things may not happen as quickly as desired, with patience, everything will come to fruition at the right time.
Line 5 Changing
(Dì Yǐ guī mèi, qí jūn zhī mèi, bù rú qí dì zhī mèi liáng, yuè jī wàng, jí.)
“The emperor marries off his daughter. Her sleeves are not as fine as those of the concubine. The moon is almost full. Good fortune.”
This line describes a situation where the outward appearance or position may not seem as prestigious (symbolized by the lesser quality of the maiden’s sleeves), but success is still achievable. It advises focusing on inner qualities and recognizing the gradual approach of good fortune, symbolized by the waxing moon.
Changing to:
60. Limitation (節 Jié)
- Above
- ☵ Kǎn (Water)
- Below
- ☱ Dùi (Lake)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 60
Hexagram 節 (Jié) represents limitation or regulation, symbolizing the importance of setting boundaries and knowing one's limits. This hexagram speaks of the value of restraint and self-discipline. Success comes from moderation and controlling one's desires.
Hexagram 60 Judgment
(Jié, hēng. Kǔ jié, bù kě zhēn.)
“Limitation. Success. Bitter limitation cannot be persevered in.”
This hexagram advises setting appropriate limits and exercising restraint, but warns against harsh or overly restrictive limitations. Success comes from moderation and flexibility, not from excessive control.
Hexagram 60 Image
(Zé shàng yǒu shuǐ, jié. Jūn zǐ yǐ zhì shù dù, yì dé xíng.)
“Water over the lake: The image of Limitation. The superior person establishes measures and limits and discusses virtue and conduct.”
The image of water over the lake represents the need to contain and regulate resources. The superior person, like the lake, sets clear boundaries and guidelines, ensuring that everything is kept in balance. Success comes from clear regulations and virtuous conduct.
Peace and wisdom on your journey!
With gratitude,
The I Ching Team