I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 60 with Changing Lines 1, 2, 3, 5 to Hexagram 15
Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram -> 15
60. Limitation (節 Jié)
- Above
- ☵ Kǎn (Water)
- Below
- ☱ Dùi (Lake)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 60
Hexagram 節 (Jié) represents limitation or regulation, symbolizing the importance of setting boundaries and knowing one's limits. This hexagram speaks of the value of restraint and self-discipline. Success comes from moderation and controlling one's desires.
Hexagram 60 Judgment
(Jié, hēng. Kǔ jié, bù kě zhēn.)
“Limitation. Success. Bitter limitation cannot be persevered in.”
This hexagram advises setting appropriate limits and exercising restraint, but warns against harsh or overly restrictive limitations. Success comes from moderation and flexibility, not from excessive control.
Hexagram 60 Image
(Zé shàng yǒu shuǐ, jié. Jūn zǐ yǐ zhì shù dù, yì dé xíng.)
“Water over the lake: The image of Limitation. The superior person establishes measures and limits and discusses virtue and conduct.”
The image of water over the lake represents the need to contain and regulate resources. The superior person, like the lake, sets clear boundaries and guidelines, ensuring that everything is kept in balance. Success comes from clear regulations and virtuous conduct.
Line 1 Changing
(Bù chū hù tíng, wú jiù.)
“Not going out of the gate and courtyard. No blame.”
This line advises staying within established boundaries and not overstepping one's limits. By exercising restraint and self-discipline, one avoids mistakes or misfortune.
Line 2 Changing
(Bù chū mén tíng, xiōng.)
“Not going out of the gate and courtyard. Misfortune.”
This line warns of being overly restrictive or withdrawn, leading to missed opportunities or stagnation. It advises finding a balance between limitation and action to avoid misfortune.
Line 3 Changing
(Bù jié ruò, zé jiē ruò, wú jiù.)
“If one is not limiting oneself, then one laments. No blame.”
This line describes a situation where lack of self-control leads to regret or difficulties. By recognizing the need for limits and acting accordingly, one avoids blame or further issues.
Line 5 Changing
(Gān jié, jí. Wǎng yǒu shàng.)
“Sweet limitation. Good fortune. Going forward brings honor.”
This line describes a situation where limitations are not seen as restrictive but as beneficial, leading to good fortune. By respecting boundaries and acting with discipline, one gains honor and success.
Changing to:
15. Modesty (謙 Qiān)
- Above
- ☷ Kūn (Earth)
- Below
- ☶ Gèn (Mountain)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 15
Hexagram 謙 (Qiān) symbolizes modesty. This hexagram represents the virtue of humility, where individuals acknowledge their limitations and act without arrogance. Modesty brings success by allowing growth and development without drawing negative attention.
Hexagram 15 Judgment
(Qiān hēng, jūn zǐ yǒu zhōng.)
“Modesty creates success. The superior person completes their task.”
This hexagram advises modest behavior and humility as the key to success. The superior person accomplishes their goals by staying humble and grounded. Modesty allows them to remain focused and avoid unnecessary challenges.
Hexagram 15 Image
(Dì zhōng yǒu shān, qiān. Jūn zǐ yǐ póu duō yì guǎ, chēng wù píng shī.)
“Within the earth, there is a mountain: The image of Modesty. The superior person reduces that which is too much and augments that which is too little, thus balancing the gift of things.”
The image of a mountain within the earth symbolizes hidden strength. The superior person uses this time to balance things, helping those with less and gently reducing the excess of those with more. This creates harmony and equilibrium in the world.
Peace and wisdom on your journey!
With gratitude,
The I Ching Team