I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 60 with Changing Lines 1, 3, 6 to Hexagram 57

Yin Yang symbol, representing balance

Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram -> 57

60. Limitation (節 Jié)


☵ Kǎn (Water)
☱ Dùi (Lake)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 60

Hexagram 節 (Jié) represents limitation or regulation, symbolizing the importance of setting boundaries and knowing one's limits. This hexagram speaks of the value of restraint and self-discipline. Success comes from moderation and controlling one's desires.

Hexagram 60 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Jié, hēng. Kǔ jié, bù kě zhēn.)
English Translation:
“Limitation. Success. Bitter limitation cannot be persevered in.”

This hexagram advises setting appropriate limits and exercising restraint, but warns against harsh or overly restrictive limitations. Success comes from moderation and flexibility, not from excessive control.

Hexagram 60 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Zé shàng yǒu shuǐ, jié. Jūn zǐ yǐ zhì shù dù, yì dé xíng.)
English Translation:
“Water over the lake: The image of Limitation. The superior person establishes measures and limits and discusses virtue and conduct.”

The image of water over the lake represents the need to contain and regulate resources. The superior person, like the lake, sets clear boundaries and guidelines, ensuring that everything is kept in balance. Success comes from clear regulations and virtuous conduct.

Line 1 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Bù chū hù tíng, wú jiù.)
English Translation:
“Not going out of the gate and courtyard. No blame.”

This line advises staying within established boundaries and not overstepping one's limits. By exercising restraint and self-discipline, one avoids mistakes or misfortune.

Line 3 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Bù jié ruò, zé jiē ruò, wú jiù.)
English Translation:
“If one is not limiting oneself, then one laments. No blame.”

This line describes a situation where lack of self-control leads to regret or difficulties. By recognizing the need for limits and acting accordingly, one avoids blame or further issues.

Line 6 Changing

This line reads:
Original Chinese:
(Kǔ jié, zhēn xiōng, huǐ wáng.)
English Translation:
“Bitter limitation. Perseverance brings misfortune. Regret disappears.”

This line warns against overly harsh or rigid limitations, which lead to misfortune. However, once the rigid approach is abandoned, regret disappears. It advises finding a balance between discipline and flexibility.

Changing to:

57. The Gentle (巽 Xùn)


☴ Xùn (Wind)
☴ Xùn (Wind)

The Symbolism of Hexagram 57

Hexagram 巽 (Xùn) represents the gentle, penetrating influence of wind. This hexagram speaks of subtlety and gradual progress. Success comes from gentle persistence, allowing time for small influences to create great changes.

Hexagram 57 Judgment

The Judgment reads:
Original Chinese:
(Xùn, xiǎo hēng, lì yǒu yōu wǎng, lì jiàn dàrén.)
English Translation:
“The Gentle. Small success. It is favorable to have somewhere to go. It is favorable to see the great person.”

This hexagram advises taking small, gradual steps toward progress. Like the wind, influence is subtle but consistent. Success comes from moving forward carefully and seeking wise counsel when needed.

Hexagram 57 Image

The Image reads:
Original Chinese:
(Suí fēng, xùn. Jūn zǐ yǐ shēn mìng xíng shì.)
English Translation:
“Wind following wind: The image of The Gentle. The superior person uses clear orders and acts with authority.”

The image of wind following wind represents a situation where influence builds gradually, reinforcing itself over time. The superior person, like the wind, acts with gentle authority and clear guidance, ensuring progress through consistency.

Peace and wisdom on your journey!

With gratitude,
The I Ching Team