I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 21 with Changing Lines 1, 2, 4 to Hexagram 4
Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram -> 4
21. Biting Through (噬嗑 Shì Kè)
- Above
- ☲ Lí (Fire)
- Below
- ☳ Zhèn (Thunder)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 21
Hexagram 噬嗑 (Shì Kè) represents biting through or confronting obstacles. This hexagram speaks of a time when forceful action is needed to break through resistance or obstacles, but it advises using this force with justice and wisdom.
Hexagram 21 Judgment
(Shì kè, hēng. Lì yòng yù.)
“Biting through. Success. It is favorable to use legal proceedings.”
This hexagram describes a time for taking decisive action to resolve problems, like biting through tough material. Success comes from being firm yet fair, using justice or legal means to resolve disputes.
Hexagram 21 Image
(Léi diàn shì kè. Xiān wáng yǐ míng fá chì fǎ.)
“Thunder and lightning: The image of Biting Through. The ancient kings made laws clear and enforced punishments.”
The image of thunder and lightning represents swift and powerful force. The superior person uses this time to clarify laws and ensure that justice is served. It is a time for decisiveness in dealing with wrongdoing.
Line 1 Changing
(Jù xiào miè zhǐ, wú jiù.)
“Biting through the skin of the foot. No blame.”
This line describes a minor obstacle that is easily overcome. Though the situation may cause discomfort, it does not lead to blame or serious harm.
Line 2 Changing
(Shì fū miè bí, wú jiù.)
“Biting through the flesh of the nose. No blame.”
This line describes a more serious obstacle that requires firmness to overcome. By confronting the issue directly, one avoids blame. It advises strong but measured action.
Line 4 Changing
(Shì gān zī, dé jīn shǐ, lì jiān zhēn, jí.)
“Biting through lean meat. Finding a metal arrowhead. Perseverance through difficulty brings good fortune.”
This line speaks of facing a difficult challenge and discovering a valuable lesson or tool in the process. Perseverance in the face of difficulty leads to success and good fortune.
Changing to:
4. Youthful Folly (蒙 Méng)
- Above
- ☶ Gèn (Mountain)
- Below
- ☵ Kǎn (Water)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 4
Hexagram 蒙 (Méng) represents youthful folly, the state of ignorance and inexperience. It symbolizes the early stages of development when one lacks knowledge or wisdom and requires guidance. Youthful Folly encourages learning, seeking instruction, and being open to correction in order to grow and mature.
Hexagram 4 Judgment
(Fā méng, lì yòng xíng rén, yòng shuō zhì gù, yǐ wǎng lìn.)
“Youthful folly has success. It is not I who seek the young fool, but the young fool who seeks me. At the first oracle, I inform him. If he asks two or three times, it is importunity. If he importunes, I give him no information. Perseverance furthers.”
Youthful folly represents a lack of knowledge and understanding, which can only be overcome through learning. The judgment advises that one should seek wisdom rather than passively wait for it. At the same time, if someone repeatedly asks the same question without making an effort to learn, their behavior is considered importunate, and they will not receive further instruction. Success comes through the sincere pursuit of knowledge and perseverance.
Hexagram 4 Image
(Shān xià chū quán, méng. Jūn zǐ yǐ guǒ xíng yù dé.)
“A spring wells up at the foot of the mountain: The image of Youthful Folly. The superior person fosters character by thoroughly carrying out his or her resolve.”
The image of a spring beneath the mountain suggests that wisdom and clarity are hidden beneath the surface, much like how a youth must grow and develop in character before wisdom can emerge. The superior person fosters their development by persistently acting on their resolve, committing to a path of learning and self-improvement.
Peace and wisdom on your journey!
With gratitude,
The I Ching Team