I Ching Oracle Result: Transformation from Hexagram 36 with Changing Lines 4, 5, 6 to Hexagram 13
Yì Jīng’s Response: Hexagram -> 13
36. Darkening of the Light (明夷 Míng Yí)
- Above
- ☷ Kūn (Earth)
- Below
- ☲ Lí (Fire)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 36
Hexagram 明夷 (Míng Yí) represents a time when clarity and light are obscured. This hexagram speaks of difficulties or oppression, where one's light is dimmed or hidden. Success comes from remaining patient and inwardly strong while waiting for the right time to act.
Hexagram 36 Judgment
(Míng yí, lì jiān zhēn.)
“Darkening of the Light. It is favorable to persevere in hardship.”
This hexagram advises perseverance during times of difficulty, when clarity and light are obscured. Success comes from remaining inwardly strong and enduring through hardship without losing hope.
Hexagram 36 Image
(Míng rù dì zhōng, míng yí. Jūn zǐ yǐ lì zhòng yòng huì ér míng.)
“The light has sunk into the earth: The image of Darkening of the Light. The superior person manages the people by obscuring their brilliance but remaining internally bright.”
The image of light sinking into the earth symbolizes a time of concealment or oppression. The superior person hides their brilliance to protect themselves but continues to maintain clarity and wisdom within.
Line 4 Changing
(Rù yú zuǒ fù, huò míng yí zhī xīn, yú chū mén tíng.)
“Entering the left side of the belly, capturing the heart of Darkening of the Light. Emerging from the gate and courtyard.”
This line speaks of penetrating the core of the situation and understanding the heart of the difficulty. By doing so, one can move forward and emerge from the hidden place, ready to act.
Line 5 Changing
(Jī zǐ zhī míng yí, lì zhēn.)
“The darkening of the light of the Prince of Ji. Perseverance brings benefit.”
This line refers to the story of the Prince of Ji, who suffered greatly but maintained his inner clarity and strength. Perseverance through difficult times brings ultimate success.
Line 6 Changing
(Bù míng huì, chū dēng yú tiān, hòu rù yú dì.)
“Not bright, but dark. First ascending to heaven, then entering the earth.”
This line describes a situation where light and clarity seem to be lost, but this is part of a natural cycle. One first rises, then falls into darkness, symbolizing the ebb and flow of challenges. It advises patience during dark times.
Changing to:
13. Fellowship with Men (同人 Tóng Rén)
- Above
- ☰ Qián (Heaven)
- Below
- ☲ Lí (Fire)
The Symbolism of Hexagram 13
Hexagram 同人 (Tóng Rén) represents fellowship, unity, and cooperation with others. It emphasizes the importance of joining with others to achieve common goals. This hexagram encourages open communication, mutual respect, and working together.
Hexagram 13 Judgment
(Tóng rén yú yě, hēng. Lì shè dà chuān, lì jūn zǐ zhēn.)
“Fellowship with men in the open. Success. It is favorable to cross the great water. The perseverance of the superior person brings success.”
This hexagram encourages open, harmonious relationships with others, especially in shared endeavors. Success comes from unity. It also suggests that it is a favorable time to undertake great challenges or cross difficult obstacles. Perseverance and collaboration bring success.
Hexagram 13 Image
(Tiān huǒ tóng rén. Jūn zǐ yǐ lèi zú biàn wù.)
“Heaven together with fire: The image of Fellowship with Men. The superior person organizes and clarifies the differences between people and things.”
The image of fire and heaven represents the joining of forces. The superior person understands how to bring together diverse groups and individuals, recognizing their differences while fostering unity. It advises clear communication and understanding to achieve harmony.
Peace and wisdom on your journey!
With gratitude,
The I Ching Team